Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring in the Mountains


Chives in bloom...

I bought tomato plants and set them out just about an hour ago.  Then comes the hail.  Not 5 inches like we got in 2005, but not good for new plants..

Then the sun came back out....

Tomatoes are leaning but it did not look like it broke any off.  Too muddy to get any closer.  On the right is three rows of potatoes.  They are looking good.

And here is lettuce, radishes, mustard and onions.

Today it was over 80 and tomorrow the high is supposed to be around 60,  I think.  Not good weather for tomatoes.  I tried to get George to go hold an umbrella over the tomatoes when the hail started, but he refused.  Well, not exactly.  He said he would get right on it, but nothing happened.


Galla Creek said...

It blew here but really no rain. Sticks all over the yard from the trees.

Sister--Helen said...

It looks like you will have a lot to eat..

Sister--Helen said...

the chives ate pretty and what a great bowl