Thursday, January 06, 2011

No G's

My internet device is acting up today.  When I got home, it had turned itself off and it would not turn back on.  After trying different things, I have decided that the USB port on my old computer has died.  It has 2 more ports on the front and more on the back. The other two ports on front are working.  Now, with it on the laptop, the 3G light is red, meaning it is not receiving at that speed.  With no 3 G it is only a little faster than dialup.  When I was at the library a couple of hours ago, there internet was down.  Maybe the internet got a virus.

I ordered a portable drive to back up my picture files, but Wmart has put it on backorder.  I have not decided if I am going to wait or get a different drive.

I have put the programs that I use to update our web pages on this computer today and they seem to work.

This no G's internet is rather slow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If they gave you a number, you need to calling it and griping!