Saturday, March 13, 2010

Death and taxes

Well, I thought this year's taxes might be the death of me, but I just finished filling Federal and State and get money back from both. I thought we might have to pay in on both, but a lot of what George made is not taxable. I usually file the first week of February, but had been putting it off this year, afraid of what I would find. I am surprised and pleased.

It is rainy and cold, 43 degrees right now. I am making chili for supper. George worked about 4 or 5 hours today and he says he probably will not work tomorrow. Maybe he will cook for us tomorrow. If he does it will either be lunch meat sandwiches or fried eggs. Maybe I will just do my own cooking.

I am thinking when it warms up, I am going to plant onions and potatoes. The garden looks good all tilled and ready to plant. It is too cold to do anything this week end. Wish I had a good book to read. It is good reading weather, gloomy and cool.

1 comment:

Sister--Helen said...

bird woman from crow mountain??? what is going on