Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, George and all fathers in our family

For his father's day, I let George work in the garden in the 90 degree sun.

He put cattle panels around the tomatoes. I am going to run string from the old hay bales between the plants but I am going to wait till it is cooler in the evening. And I am going to make him help me.

We are having BBQ pork ribs and potato salad tonight in George's honor. I made the potato salad, but he will have to BBQ the ribs himself.

Happy father's day....

Look at my peaches. I know you are supposed to not let them make the first year, but I did anyway. I have 7 peaches on this one tree. The other peach and the 2 apples did not bloom this year, or at least did not set fruit. This one is named June Gold so they are almost ripe. I hope brother does not come down and eat them while I am at work this week. They are really pretty. I paid $90 for the 4 trees, so that is about $15 per peach. I guess if they live for 20 years, the price per peach will be a better bargain.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

If I were closer, I would steal a peach. They look so good.