Saturday, September 06, 2008

Glorious Sunshine

Patsy's hen is setting. I thought we might get babies becasue I thought Clayton had a rooster running loose, but George says not.

This is where we are on the walkway. We have to get more rocks, but that will have to wait a while.

Here are some of my flowers.

Company is coming tomorrow. I am taking off Wed, Thur and Friday. I think Wednesday we are going to Qzark Folk Center in Mt. View. I have always wanted to go and George would take me about any time, but he would want to drive down the highway as fast as he could to get there, turn around in the driveway and drive as fast as he could back stopping only to go to the bath room. Then if I should mention that we could stop and get a burger, he would say 'we can have a better burger at home.' That is what we are going to do tomorrow. If you ask him, he would probably say it is easier that way.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Your yard is looking so pretty. It will really look good when you get that green tin roof on the trailer. I like the gravel better than I thought I would..just hope the weeds don't come through. I love the rock path.