Sunday, August 10, 2008

An August Rain

We have rain again. Two inches since Friday night according to my DYI rain gage. This is an pleasant change for August. We are supposed to have highs in the mid 80's all week. I have to clean house. Company's coming. George's sisters Conda and Wanda are going to be here the second week in September. I hate cleaning house so this will be a big change, but not a pleasant one.


Galla Creek said...

If Helen was there she would do it...even wash the ceiling. I meant to clean that one room where all genealogy stuff is this summer...have not touched is my last day of summer.

Sister--Helen said...

Well since it is raining you can't work outside you might as well clean inside...of chorse you would probably rather read...or sleep like Pat..

patsy said...

hell said i could come help. no way!