Monday, July 28, 2008

Deer down on Betty's place this evening

I was standing in the middle of my yard in front of my house. The deer was on Betty's land, just this side of where Daddy had his garden.

George also saw a mother turkey and babies down in Dan's pasture. I was humming birds and my bug birds.


Galla Creek said...

oK, THAT deer on my can shoot it. I dont' want it.

Sister--Helen said...

good shot to be so far away

Sister--Fleta said...

Maybe I saw a humming bird and bug birds, not WAS birds.

We will not shoot the deer. We really like having deer close by. Clayton watches a mama and two fawns most evenings in the field above the pond.

Maybe I will not like deer so much next year when I plant a garden with corn and everything the deer like so much.