Sister Patsy wrote a story about her time living in Denver Arkansas during WWII. We published this story in the March issue of our Carroll County Historical Society Quarterly. It was neat that this was a complete surprise to Patsy. I had asked her a few years ago if we could publish the story, but had not gotten it sumitted. I sent it to them in December, and now it is in print.
You can read the full story here Patsy's Story . Patsy has posted part of the story here on her blog
Denver Arkansas, 1930-40 or so

I am glad you were able to keep it a secret from her. The best stories are true like this one!
i really enjoyed this.
I enjoyed it too. I saved a copy to read to the girls tonight as their bedtime story
which building was Grandpa's store
such a good picture of Patty
the first bulding with no porch is Mr. Becks and Grandpa has a roofed porched.
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