Friday, August 11, 2006

I do what I do, and I don't do what I don't

My sisters are all blogging about what they are doing. Patsy is going to the store, Betty is going to school, and Helen is IRONING! So, what am I doing? NOTHING!

I need to go to the store. The grandkids are coming tomorrow and they will want things to eat that I only buy when they are going to be here. I usually go to the store after work on Thursday or Friday, but I did not.

I did go to work this moring and actually had to work a little, but not much. I spent over an hour working on the newspaper puzzles, not the corsswords that I never know the answer to, but the 3 square math one and the cryptaquote. But, I was not really into that so I quit the puzzles and just sat and 'rested' my eyes. Then I spent another hour or two working on an excel function to try to get Clayton's lab girls to lookup the grower names so I would not have to spend so much time checking to see if they got them right and then sending corrections via email to the spr lab. I got it to work for me, but I am not sure they can use it. They have a printed list but will not check it to see if the grower name and number match so they probably won't the lookup function either. It is all Claytons fault anyway. He tells them to just write whatever the fieldman puts on the sample, but then if it is not right someone has to correct it. The boss thinks better me than her. I think better her than me, but can't get that bird to fly. Patsy, you call Clayton and tell him to make the girls look up the numbers.

And I am NOT going to iron. I guess I probably hate housework more than about anyone I have ever known, and since I have gotten old and cranky, mostly I just don't do what I don't want to do. I really hate vaccuming, but with the little boy coming by and looking for things on the floor to eat, I have to do someting. So, sometimes I sweep the living room carpet cause I hate to drag out the vaccum and then drag it back, not to mention dragging it all around the room. Don't tell Jackie, but I kept the boy while she went to the store this evening and he had a big time chasing flies around the kitchen. He never did catch one though. Maybe Clayton can give him lessons on catching flies.

To make a long story longer, What am I doing? NOTHING!!! and I like it that way.


patsy said...

i read the book about the migrate works you told me about.i am mad about half way thro the book she said mother had a secrect and had told the oldest daughter and made the daughter promise not to tell the others until she was dead.I never did find out the secrect. maybe mother is still alive but if you had secrect mama had told you i would find out what it was or beat you to death.

Sister--Fleta said...

Mama did not have any secrets. She could never resist telling everything.

Sister--Helen said...

I am so surprised by this post Fleta I figured you were cleaning, washing, ironing, and baking today after work.

Sister--Helen said...

Mama was not a deceptive person at all!

Galla Creek said...

That doing nothing is a pretty good choice.

Sister--Helen said...

You know Fleta I figured you would be the one to have that Picture of Grandma's bedroom... not Pat...