Friday, April 21, 2006

Daming of Lake Gregory

Just above the pond the lane to Jackie's house also had deep ruts. Because the water from the hill drained in this little dip and just stayed there. Jackie called it Lake Gregory. Sometimes there would be a large mud hole here 3 or 4 weeks after a rain. They put in railroad ties to hold the fill dirt and a tin horn to drain the water off into the pond. Hopefully, Lake Gregory is gone never to return.
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Sister--Helen said...

Oh it was a new little pond.

Sister--Fleta said...

Yeah, and you had to have a truck to get across it. I was a little worried about how the two driveways would work out but they did a really good job on both.

Galla Creek said...

I am glad you are getting your
driveway nicified.

Remember the Black Haw tree.
Patsy must tell us what it was.
It is the only one I have ever
know of. It was by the little
concrete water basin that Hosea
Leathers had built.

I wonder if anyone has a picture of
the old house by the spring?

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

the pond was so big it had tadpoles in it when it ranied

Sister--Helen said...

Fleta how was the new road this evening? A little muddy?