Monday, April 17, 2006

Of Turkeys, feathered and non-feathered

These are my brother's turkeys. Brother lives just down the road from us in the house our father built. Brother's hobby is raising 'wild' turkeys just like our father before him.

Today, Husband saw a young man and girl in a pickup just across the fence from Brother's 'hunting' our pet turkeys. It is turkey season in Arkansas, according to Husband, which I did not know. Pickup Man was in the field just a few yards from Brother's house trying to shoot one of these turkeys. What in the world is the sport of shooting a bird that will walk up to you and ask for food? Anyway, Husband was watching and not approving, when pet turkey took wing and flew across the fence into Brother's pasture. This did not deter Pickup Man as over the fence he went, stalking pet turkey in brother's back yard, as it were. This was too much for Husband who gave chase to the great turkey hunter. After a few unkind words back and forth, Husband discovered the Pickup Man was boyfriend of Old Neighbor's granddaughter who was along for the ride, hunting pet turkeys. Pickup, Pickup Man, and Old Neighbor's granddaughter dissapeared over the horizon.

Husband decided to truck out the road and have a talk with Old Neighbor. Old Neighbor has been a good and kind neighbor for over 40 years. He knew grandkids were hunting on his place, but he did not know they were stalking pet turkeys in his neighbor's yard. Husband and Old Neighbor proceeded down into Neighbor's pasture looking for the great hunters, but could not find them.

After Old Neighbor went back to his house, Husband saw the great hunters sneak out from their hidding place and drive off. At least they had sense enough to be ashamed and hide.

For those locals interested, young hunter sometimes goes by the alias Hale, but to us, he will always be known as the Great White Hunter, or Pickup Man. Posted by Picasa


patsy said...


Sister--Helen said...

I could not believe this. I'll bet Dan could not believe it either! What did number 2 Brother say about pickup man?

Galla Creek said...

What is the world coming. Patsy and I better keep a watch on our
chickens...someone might be hunting

Erin said...

my greg hasn't ever shot a turkey. i think he's been out hunting them before though. we wouldnt know what to do with one. i'd have to take it to patsy and ask what do i with all the feathers? tell number 2 brother greg wouldnt shoot a pet turkey -- of his.

Cheryl said...

There is no sport in hunting someones pet turkeys. Tim got one turkey already he would never dream of shooting someones pets.

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

hey mom you dont suppose they tried to shoot the turkey I named 'Fleta'do you? just kiding mom lol