Whee, did we all survive? We had hail
flowing down the hillsides. Our road was a creek with water running from bank to bank for almost a quarter mile.

But our 2 new driveways held and husband's railroad ties kept the pile of dirt in the corner of my yard from washing down to the pond. The pond spilled out the overflow for the first time in almost a year. Greg's new culvert worked as intended and Lake Gregory did NOT return.

The chickens got soaked, but 2 hours latter they are out enjoying the sunshine and picking at the spoils.
God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. Ask and it shall be given. I asked for rain.
I ask for rain and then when the big blow went thro I said Lord protect me and mine.
I was ashamed to ask for anything more, so I just waited it out. I think everything came out in the wash, and he knows what he is doing.
Glad he decided in the end...to
save you...not let you go with
the lost!
I had not seen the water wash in the road like that since I was a kid. Glad you all are still there...May ger frost Thursday or Friday, don't replant just yet....
looks like you have a creek in you front door george might start a conoe business and you could retire.
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