Monday, April 24, 2006

Oh, Yes, and I planted my garden

Well, all I wanted was tomatoes. I cleaned out the bed in the middle of the yard where I usually put tomatoes and it was so dusty and dry I decided to plant tomatoes in my flower box up next to the front porch. Put in 4 early girl tomatoes and a few petunias and other flowers. They looked really good yesterday. I guess in a day or two I will go buy more tomato plants. I should clean these leaves off the porch, but Cheryl says we are getting more rain later, so I will wait and see if God cleans the porch.

I remember once I was complaining to my only older sister about the wind blowing so much. Sister told me there was good in all things. The strong wind would blow the trash from your yard down the road to another's yard and save you the trouble of cleaning the yard.

My words of wisdom is there is not need to mow the grass. Soon it will be winter again and the grass will be gone. Posted by Picasa


Sister--Helen said...

Well apparently you had a lot of wind so I think all of the crap on your porch came from Claytons. Get him to clean it.

patsy said...

the rain made the grass grow and after you get more tomato plant they will grow better.

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