Thursday, January 05, 2023



And doing....

Sister Helen has been working on her end of times again.  Me, not so much. I guess she wants to make it easy on those left behind by taking care of everything herself.

When we were taking care of George's funeral arrangement, Son said something to the effect of I guess you have taken care of the details of your funeral details.  I told him no, that was his job.  I buried Baby Sister, Dad, and Mom and he could do the same for me. I did make the decisions about George's funeral, but Son generously paid the full cost. I don't really care about my funeral.  I will not be there. It is my absolute belief that no one ever has or ever will care about their own funeral after they are dead.  Funerals are really for the living.  Only the living care about them.  Only the living are in attendance.

I think the Repubs have been making arrangements for a funeral all week. We can only sit on the sidelines and cheer.


Galla Creek said...

Republican can’t decide who they want to be the preacher..

Winnie said...

He didn’t win again tonight, but he is closer….ughh!