Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Walk

 Before Church.

This is the road where the neighbor put in a new gate and iron fence just past my house.  We think he is likely planning on building a house here, but so far just a road and gate.

This is the pasture road that leads off down the hill past the above gate.  This was Daddy's wagon road to the bottom pasture before he sold it to Dan Norton.  I remember his telling of Richard as a young child ridding a wagon load of hay off the little hill in the distance here when the full load falling off the wagon. Richard went from on top of a load of hay to being under the full load of hay.  A pitchfork was standing stuck in the hay beside Richard.  He clung to the handle of the pitchfork and was saved from being suffocated.  He would have been 6 or 7 years old.

This is the little pond down by the walnut grove that would never hold water.  The neighbor had done extensive work on it, but I am not sure it will work any better than it did 60 years ago.  The forest in the background has not changed much since we were kids here.  Terry has cleared a lot of other areas on his land, but this brushy forest looks much the same as it always did.

Daisy with the old cemetery in the background. The dogs away go along on my walks. The white one is off somewhere looking for something to tree.

A closer view of the cemetery and one of the neighbor's donkeys.  It was a nice walk of 3/4 mile before Church. It is a beautiful sunny day, but supposed to get really cold by the end of the week.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Enjoyed the story about Richard.