Monday, December 14, 2020

No Problem..

 Made it to work just fine, but started late at 7 O'clock.  The schedule was to start 2 hours later than usual, but Kathy said I could come in whenever I wanted to.  So, just like any other day.

Our road out by the Walnut tree that is not.

Meek Hill from in front of Dick Newberry's house.

And the Meek Hill.

Cold, snow, but we can still go.


Donna. W said...

We just got the cold. 23 this morning when I got up.

Galla Creek said...

Hope you were careful.

Winnie said...

Really looks beautiful. Glad you made it to work ok.
We have been really cold since Saturday, but we haven’t had any snow. Right now I don’t have to worry about Sam or Cindy heading out...both their schools are virtual and they are about ready for Christmas break.

Sister--Helen said...

Glad u told where u hard to figure out sitting in AZ