Saturday, April 04, 2020

Walking to the dead...

About 3 weeks ago i started trying to get back to my daily walk.  I had been noticing stiff joints in the morning.  If I can walk a mile or two at least every other day, my joints do not ache and I just feel better overall. 

This morning I want to see the sunrise so I started at sunrise. Sadly, the sun is not going to rise today. Our weather is all gloom today, to match the rest of our world. It listed rain the entire mile and back, but unlike the photo, I live.

Greg has bought fishing gear for the kids and us planning on taking them fishing today. Tomorrow will be better fishing and walking weather.

God bless ALL, especially all the hungry little children wherever they may be and whatever their nationally or faith.

Sent from my LG Mobile

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad you are walking