Thursday, March 14, 2019

Warmer, but windy

Helen and the kids went off to AZ.  I guess they landed ok.  I did not hear otherwise.

I looked for a new laptop at Branson today but did not find what I want.  I looked online when I got home and I think I will go to Fayettville tomorrow.  They had a couple that are what I am looking for.  If I don't get one tomorrow, I will order online, but I would rather just get one locally.  The problem is I need one with a large hard drive and most of the new laptops have small drives because everyone uses online storage.  That does not work when you buy net access by the gallon.

This was taken Feb 12 in the evening.  I think there were at least 20 in this herd.

This morning when I looked out at the fields, I could see much more green than just a few days ago.  Goats are really liking the better weather and better grazing.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

We have abt 5;and I thought that was a lot.