Sunday, March 10, 2019

New internet, old computer

I got my internet reconnected and I am going to get a new computer, but not today.  Today, I am using George's computer in the living room and Patsy's old computer in my room.

The colors are not right.  The chair is green.

And this little 'antique' typing table is grey with 2 drop down leaves and rollers.  It is very sturdy.  I would say it was made around 1950 and only cost 20 dollars.

Now I need to get back to blogging.  I liked using my phone to post until it decided it would not let me post pictures.

Yesterday was nice and warm, but really windy.  It blew my carport around, but he boys have it sorta back in place now.  I am not posting pics of that because I do not want to remember.

Tomorrow back to work, and an hour earlier. 


Donna. W said...

I had a typing table like that in high school, and a portable typewriter. I took shorthand and typing classes both. Never used either skill at a job, but the typing came in handy once the internet made its appearance.

Galla Creek said...

Oh, this is the greatest gift for me. To get to see what you are up too!
So glad.

Galla Creek said...

up to...