Sunday, March 25, 2018

New furniture, old furniture

I got the new computer hutch in place.  I love it.  I used Howard's furniture on it and with very little effort and expense it looks beautiful.  All shinny with only a very few scuff marks. The printer fits nicely on the end table beside the computer, but I could move it somewhere else as it does not need a cable connection.  It prints with wi-fi.

I moved the little cart that I did have the computer on over here, and had some little plants on it for now.  It has leaves on both sides that flip out to make it into a table.  I could use it when I cook meals for company, maybe.

This was the most scuffed area.  I could tell that this piece, although really old, had been used a lot.

This is what the drop down looks like after restoring.  I was really impressed with how easily this was to do, and with the difference it made in the appearances of the piece overall.  They had a wax of the same brand they were selling.  I think I will go back and buy the wax or maybe not.  I got a can of liquid gold and used that for now.

Today is last lazy day before returning to work.  It is cooler today.  I think I will lay around and do nothing.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Wow, that stuff really worked.