Sunday, January 14, 2018

32 and blowing snow...

By my thermometer on the back porch.  It is protected so it is a little warmer than out in front but if you don''t keep it in the shade it will go crazy and break in the summer.  Net says it is 24 degrees in GF, but it is always warmer here by our hill than up top.

I don't think the kids will have school tomorrow.  Anymore they usually have way more snow days built into the schedule than ever use.

It has almost quit now.  I don't guess I will venture out today after all.  We are supposed to get ahout a half inch.  

Helen came down first thing this am and brought cinnamon rolls hot out of the oven.  They were wonderful but don't tell her.  She would get the big head.

I think I will go on to work tomorrow.  I have a good truck and I would rather save my days off for better weather, but we will see. 

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