Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday morning

This was actually yesterday morning, but I like the picture so here it is.

Emmy and a friend are here this weekend, so Hannah had a big day yesterday. Then, Greg took all of them to the movies in the afternoon. 

 Today is going to be a lazy day for everyone, I think.  It rained some yesterday afternoon, but I think it is just supposed to be cool today.  Still no new baby goats.  I think it may be another week or so.  I figured up and 150 days from when we got the grey goat is October 2nd or 3rd, so it will probably be another week before she has babies.  Bertha's bag is not really stiff yet, so she it will be a week or so for her too.  We like it when we have new babies.  We are not having much luck with chicken babies.  We have two of the hatchlings from this summer that are still alive, but they will not roast in the chicken house so they probably won't make it through the winter.

This week Sunday is wash day, so I guess I will get back to it.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Well, at least you can hatch the chicks. I can not even hatch any.

It was supposed to be cool today...but it is hot again.