Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today and Tomorrow

Today is Janet's wake.  Nelson's Funeral Chapel at Green Forest 5 to 8 pm today, family 4 to 5 pm.  Funeral is graveside services at Alpena cemetery, 10 am tomorrow.  All family and friends are welcome to gather at Fleta's home after the service on Wednesday with food and refreshments provided.

Cards of condolence will reach the family at Patsy Poor, PO box 822 Green Forest, AR.

Does that not all sound very proper and uppercrust?  Helen has been instructing as I type.  Does it not all sound a bit more like Helen or Betty than the other sisters?

Well, the older sisters think alike, sometimes.  Pretty sister was helping on the wording and practical to the point sister wanted a word for the after funeral meal.  Wake is the proper name for the grieving gathering before the burial, usually held the day prior to the burial.  Funeral, burial or internment are interchangeably used for the ceremony associated with the burial.  The only proper name I found for the meal at the gathering after the burial was repast.  Helen did not like that word, but I appreciated its conciseness.  It is succinct, or in my own words short and sweet.  I really like that, but, I want to please Helen because it would please me if Helen would do for me as she did for Patsy and deep clean my house.  So far, all she has done is make messes in my house.  I think she likes Patsy best.  Right now, she is walking all around my house while applying her powdery makeup, and in the process scattering said makeup all over my floor. Why oh why does the Queen of Clean come to my house and morph into Messy Bessie?

And, if anyone needs the low down on funerals on the cheap, give me a call.  Dry Ice is on the list of necessary materials but I need to try for more details as to quantity needed.  So, I am off to search for further instructions.  Hopefully, Sister's clean jean will kick in soon.


Donna. W said...

This absolutely cracked me up. You sisters are something else. I'll bet it's interesting when you all get together.

Anonymous said...

Erin can add the details on burying on your own! George can dig the hole with that back hoe.