Friday, August 05, 2011

Birds and a few blooms

This is my 2 birdbaths.  The birds do not like the black one but they love the other one.  George said they did not like the one because it was too close to the deck where we sit.  I said if that was the case, they would come to it when we were in the house and they did not, but  I moved it anyway.  They still do not like it.  Greg said they were afraid of the bird on top.  I did not think so but I covered the bird and they still did not like it.  I think they do not like it because the water is too deep.  The other one is much better for drinking, bathing and just cooling off in general.

I also have this one that is just a stoneware catch pan for a flower pot.  They really like it but it is too close to the deck.  The birds use it a lot when we are not sitting on the deck.  

Helen asked about the number of humming birds.  I have counted 8 or 9 at a time but I know sometimes we have upwards of a dozen.  It is really hard to count them.  They are nearly all females coming to the feeders now with one or two males.  Early in the season, they are nearly all males.  George says the males have already gone south.  I doubt that.

This was Wednesday around 4 pm when it was 114 degrees in the shade here. The birds were really in distress from the heat.

Betty was talking about her bird having its mouth open.  I think they do that to help cool off, like a dog with its  tongue hanging out and panting.

I know at times we have a dozen birds on this fountain Wednesday. Usually we only get 1, 2 or 3 at a time.

This is my dill weed and the little marigolds at the edge of my garden.  I have not watered these plants since June and they still look pretty good.  This year I am only gathering seeds from these marigolds and not the big plants.  I will try to plant more of these around the garden next year.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I see a Gold Finch. They like my new bird bath too. I see lots of Mockingbirds coming there and blue birds, finches and red birds...not my Hummingbirds though, but I only have a couple of hummers.