Saturday, October 09, 2010

This I know

Usually I post simple pictures and a few words. I somethings think I will post an opinion on the conversations other sisters start, but rarely actually follow through with actually placing my thoughts online. Sometimes because I know my opinions rarely match current fads, but usually because it takes time and trouble and I just do not want to extend the effort. (Now, teacher, is that effort or effect?).
For several months I have when my alarm goes off at 4 am I have not wanted to get out of bed. But, I was thinking I had to get up and go to work when the alarm goes off. I used to do lots of things that I did not really want to do. For a few years now, I have been adjusting my outlook on my own life. When I come up against things that I would really rather not do, I examine in my mind if I really HAVE to do this. Often, the answer I give myself is that I do not have to. About 3 weeks ago, I decided I did not really have to get up at 4 am and go to work. I can choose to go to work at a later time, and if I really want to, I can choose not to go to work anymore. I reset my alarm for 5:15. Yet, not one day since resetting the clock have I slept past 4 am and not one day have I chosen to go to work later or not to go to work at all. I am always awake before 4 am, even on the days I do not go to work like today. Everyone else is still fast asleep so whatever I do needs to be a quite activity. Saying what I think by typing my thoughts is quite, so here are some opinions on what sisters have been talking about.
Freedom of speech - especially for teacher sister.
See the pictures of Robert above? He is taking a truck ride of his own invention. The shovel that Benjamin loved is his means of locomotion for this contraption. As my family knows, Robert has problems doing things that other children his age do easily. Robert goes to school to try to learn things that other children just naturally pick up on. I love Robert. I might love Robert more than anyone I have ever loved. Robert needs someone to love him more than anything. I can imagine all sorts of unpleasant things that Robert may encounter in his lifetime. I am absolutely sure that Robert is going to be called names (stupid?) by other children in his lifetime. Robert's classmates have freedom of speech. Do they have the right to call Robert stupid? I do not know the answer to this question. Can Robert's teacher's limits his classmates freedom to call him names? I think they can and that they are obligated to protect Robert for the hateful words of his classmates. But, maybe not. I am not sure his teachers have the right to limit his classmates speech. So, do Robert's teachers have the right to call him names like stupid? No, they do not. They do not have that right. And, I am sure of that. The teacher's employer must protect Robert from his teacher's abusive words just as they much protect Robert from physical abuse. There are limits on all freedoms, including freedom of speech. I think those limits include protecting family from the abusive words of angry protesters at a relative's funeral even if this protesters are at a distance from the actual location of the funeral. If the family can hear the works and see the signs, the protesters are too close for comfort and should be muzzled. Freedoms have limits.
Think this is not protected by the laws of the land? What is more telling than protesters being ejected from the halls of our congress. Congress is elected by the people to do the people's bidding and make the people's laws. Yet, the people are regularly removed from the halls for disrupting the business of congress, or at least that is the people's servant's explanation of the events. Freedoms have limits.
Dying for our freedom:
You see these words in the news all the time. Usually they are speaking of a soldier that was killed. If every single USA soldier that has died in Iraq and Afghanistan was alive today, I would have exactly the same freedoms that I have now. Died for my freedom? Why do so many use these words? It is easier on the conscience that died for naught. Useless death is hard on the conscience.
First ladies legacies:
Patsy wrote a week or so ago wanting the first ladies to just shut up. Forbes named Mrs. Obama the most powerful woman in the world this week. Betty put up beautiful photos of Texas bluebells along Texas roadways. Of all the causes our past first ladies have taken up, Mrs. Johnson's flowers along the roadway would likely seem the most frivolous. However, it has proved to be the most lasting. Lady Bird's blue bells have given millions of people moments of pure pleasure. Most of our first ladies, both dead and living, are long past imparting moments of pleasure. And, I think naming Mrs. Obama the most powerful woman in the world is a pitiful statement on the current status of women of the world. She may have influence through her husband, but she has not power. Just ask Hillary.
I am going to take Patsy's advice and just shut up now.


Anonymous said...

I think it is our duty to protect all children. Many times. many times I have heard one little child say or do something to some other little child that I knew either of...I ask the little child that is bullying where his mama is then I go to the woman and tell on the child...THEN I follow her back over to the child and stand and listen to make sure he is in my openion properly corrected... Now I have also seen grown peoploe in a store say something rude to a child and I speak to the grown up about her attitude towards the little kid and then ask the little child where his mama is and then go tell the mama...If the mama has the guts I will go back over there with the mother also....No one is going to pick on a kid around me and that is all there is to that...and NOONE would ever get by picking on a child like Robert around me...We all loved Debby too much to ever stand gor any of that...Helen...

Galla Creek said...

I have seen Larry do similar to Helen in public. I try to just shut up unless I feel I can make a change. I do glare!

I can't fix the world I can only work on my little part. It has always been my belief that lots of folks trying to fix everybody else's problems should look around them and fix their own. I think of the missionary going to Africa but he never looked over his fence in Arkansas to see who lived next door.

The classroom has rules. Teachers should enforce them. Their is a state law against bullying. But if we say folks can't picket we have lost a BIG right.

Unknown said...

I read the neatest thing from our choir director on my Facebook...he said, "I think people with closed mines should have closed mouths"...
Fleta...I think you and your thoughts are really awesome!