Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ides of August

We (George) put down the last piece of sub floor by the back door so we got the flooring that was leaning against the wall by this window out of here. Now, I have to get him to put up the curtain rod so I can put the curtains on this window.

This is my $50 table and chairs. I recovered the seats on four of the chairs. The other one is upholstered on the back with the ugly orange stuff as well as the seat. For now it is over in the shop. I don't think I am going to try to fix it. I have plenty of chairs. Without the leaves, it is 5 foot long. With the two leaves, it is 9 foot.

This is a twin sheet and it lacks about 6 inches reaching from end to end. George is going to sit at one end and and I will sit at the other when we eat now. I won't have to listen to him cause I don't hear too well anymore.
I took Helen's expert advise, and used the off white for all the chairs. The look nice and they are good, big, solid chairs.


Galla Creek said...

I love the big long table. Room for all. I like the chairs, too. I think Erin's curtains would match the chair cover.

Sister--Helen said...

I hope you like having things nice and so clean..