Sunday, June 06, 2010

Vacation Days

One day, Thursday or Friday, I forget exactly what day, I went to Hollister and stopped by Patsy's place on 86 on the way back. I found this pink rose that I had not seen before. I am going to try to get a start of this from the cutting. The cuttings I have outside are not doing to good. I think it is too hot for them. I am going to Wal-Mart and get some artifical soil and try to start these in the back room.

Then I went back up 86 yesterday and dug up the new pink rose and some more day lillies. I got the root stump of the rose but no feeder roots so I don't know if it will live. I am sure the day lillies do fine.

At a garage sale up by Twin Island, I got 2 swing arm pole lamps like the one by the TV, a nice basket for magazines to put beside my chair and 5 pillows like the ones in the picture, and 4 old 60 style TV trays for the deck. All for $10. Two of the pillows are the little slim kind, but that is what I need for napping in my recliner. Friday, I actually did take a nap in the recliner and had to go get a pillow for my neck.

This morning, we cleaned this area in the back. It was a real mess, but is nice and neat now.

Last week, I put hay down in the melons, tomatoes and strawberries plus all around the outside of the garden. I had the first squash yesterday. I have lots of tomatoes on my Early Girl vines. Should have ripe tomatoes in a couple of weeks.

I bought new shoes and a new purse. I did not buy red shoes. But I drive a red pickup.

This plastic table and 3 chairs I got free at the garage sale where I got the lamps and pillows. The table has a crack on one side, but is still very usable and the chairs are heavy chairs It just fits here. I also got a wedding ring quilt for $1 at a sale. It is not and old quilt but it is nice. It has one corner badly damaged. It came with one pillow sham that I may be able to fix it with. Anyway, it was worth the dollar because the rest of the quilt is very pretty. I am sure I can do something with it. When we get the kitchen finished, I could make a table cloth of it.

George has been censusing a lot. Sometimes he is gone till 8 or 9 at night. Today, he is mowing the yard. I plan on staying inside under the air. I am trying to read the Oprah book, but it is not very interesting. I may have to skip it and go to the Mark Twain book. Speaking of Mark Twain. He wrote an autobiography that was not to be published for 100 years. It is coming out this year. I bet it is a lot more interesting than Oprah.


Galla Creek said...

I want to read that Mark Train book when it is published.

patsy said...

I bought that pink rose at wal-marts 17 years ago. it had a metal tag on it with a patient no. only timer i ever saw that. It looks a lot like the wild rose of arkansas but fancier. You should remember where you saw it and try digging it up this fall since I doubt if the branch will be true to the original bush.