My wren did not build in the little house I have by the deck, but they are still close by. Maybe in the old shop.
Clayton wants to know what happened to all our common sparrows. I had not noticed until he brought it up, but I have not seen a sparrow all year. Usually they come to the sunflower feeders and build in the old shop. I do not see them at all around the yard this year.

This is a turkey George sees each day down on the pond bank below Clayton's. I think it is a hen and George thinks it is a tom.

Wild flowers along the fence and a pile of rice hulls from Newberry's brooder house. I really like the rice hulls on the plants.

This is a gooseberry plant that I dug up from by my back door. I found it on the hill behind my house about 10 years ago and planted a sprout by the back door. I has grown large and bloomed but never bears fruit. Maybe it will do better here by Patsy's patented rose.
This is a weed in my beans in the garden. I have two of these. What is it?
the yellow day lilly is calloed a stella day lilly. I bought it at wal-marts years ago.
I think it is a hen turkey
your pictures are prettier than mom's.
I like the yellow bird and hope they come down here.
Loved all the pictures. Larry said the pair were Fleta and George?
I would love some gooseberry pie.
the two plants in the bean row are
E Pluribus Unum. E Pluribus Unum is a rare hertige plant, save seed and sew a large bed next spring.
I like the pig picture....
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