Saturday, May 23, 2009

This week in history

This is my fridge after I cleaned it early in the week. That is all the cleaning I have gotten done for the company coming and may be all I get done. George has vaccumed for me. Monday at work I did fine, but Tuesday and Wednesday my knee was killing me. I went to work Thursday but did not do much and did not go in Friday. Yesterday, the knee was still giving me lots of trouble. I went to Walmart and used one of their scooters to shop. Last night around midnight, the knee finally stopped aching. Today it is stiff but not aching. I am thinking it may be the physical therapy that was making it hurt so badly. I do not have to go back till next Tuesday. I am taking it easy today. The house is going to be dirtier than ever casue the babies and their Daddy are here. Son Jr. is wanting to borrow some wheels (we have 3 trucks and 2 drivers). I offered to trade the blue ford for a clean house. I think he is going to rent a truck from someone who wants only money.

This is what you look like when Grandma puts sunscreen all over you and you fall face down in the dirt.

The boy in his carharts.

The pool, the chairs, the beach towels and the sunglasses.



Galla Creek said...

Glad the kids are having fun.

A guy at work said the therapy was killing his knee. He said they overworked him... They did not want it to tighten up. They want you to get it as straight as you can. If you leave it bent you will not get the motion back...

Astrid and I peddled the boat all the way down to the dam. I am pooped.

Sister--Helen said...

Oh Fleta if your house is dirty don't worry we'll just sit by the pool all day....