Friday, September 19, 2008


I walked to Callen's branch slab today. That is about 3.5 miles and it took almost 3 hours. It was overcast with the sun just starting to break out when I got back home at 9.

This is the hill just past the Stone place just past where the spring runns across the road. This was taken from the first corner looking back up the hill toward the stone place. Two turkeys flew out of the tops of the trees at the edge of the hill right here. See where Ike blew down a tree and someone cut it up.


Favorite Daughter said...

Oh I know right where this is.....after reading your discription....helen

Galla Creek said...

Well, 3 and half miles.. That is what I walk. It takes an hour.
So why did it take 3 hours for you to walk 3 and half miles?