Sunday, August 03, 2008

Today's project

Removing this ugly clump of hunnysuckle. I decided yesterday that I was going to do this. I started about 7:30 this am while George was sleeping, I thought, but as I started, he came out and said he could get it out with the tractor. I thought that was a good idea, but after 30 minutes or so with no movement in sight, I started in again. It was easier than I thought because everything underneath was dead. I cut it loose and pulled it away from the ground.

Then George got the tractor and pulled it the rest of the way out. That is the clump of hunnysuckle down in front of my tomato plants. We found a snake in it. A harmless green and yellow snake, but he killed it anyway. I do not want even a harmless snake in my yard.

This is how it looked afterwards.

Then I thought I had to buy some plants to put in there. I have a snowball plant, 2 roses and a bayberry plant on each end. Then I got 2 zinnia plants so I would have some blooms. I am going to try Patsy's trick of rooting rose of sharon cuttings and plant a rose of sharon under the hummybird feeder. I have to make up to them for taking away their hunnysuckle.

What we had done until today was mostly tractor work and even though it was hot, it was not to bad. I worked about an hour to 90 minutes putting in these plants and the heat was terrible. I begin to think I was going to have to wait till sunset to finish. But, I got them in the ground and they look nice. I know August is not the time to plant anything, but I think if I water them every day they will be ok. Anyway that is what I am hoping for.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Honeysuckle smells good but it is a mess and snaky. I don't like it near the house. The lady at Pottsville set it by the gas meter and I spent the entire time I was there trying to kill it...then it would come back. I do like to smell it in the woods but would not want it in the yard. Since my yard is just woods I have some of it near now.