Wednesday, January 02, 2008

When was Aunt Fleta Born?

I don't think anyone now knows. The CCHS has school records from Carroll Co. Schools in the 1930s & 40s. I am transcribing some of these records for their Quarterly. The records I have for Grandpa Powell's family are 1932 through 1937 Sunny Lane school signed by Grandpa Powell. I can recognize his hand writting from other examples I have seen. In 1932 he said Fleta was born in 1916, in 1933 the same, in 1934 he wrote 1917 and wrote a 6 over the 7, in 1935 he said 1916, 1936 says 1917, and 1937, the last year Fleta appears on the records, he says 1916.


Galla Creek said...

I guess he said 16 more than does that give credence to 16?
Daddy was born in July of 15...Dec. of 16 would only be a year and a few months. I bet Grandma Powell wished it was 17. I wonder if he wanted let her go to school before her set time? Would he have put a year early to get her in school...Patsy would say NEVER!

Sister--Helen said...

Thank you Fleta....I hated to think you should have been named Tallymae....or what ever that name was...

Unknown said...

Mom just wouldn't argue with Grandpa, but the 1916 thing really threw her for a loop~ the first time she heard she was suppose to have been born in 1916 was when the family Bible arrived in 1947. She was so shocked, that I even remember it and I was only 5.

Galla Creek said...

I own the family Bible he filled out for us in very proud of it. I am going to look and see what he wrote in our Bible.

Galla Creek said...

Well, he did not put those birthdays in our Bible...but I have Grandma Powells and SHE said Fleta was born Dec. 27, 1916 on a Wed. I checked and Dec. 27 was on a Wed. in 1916. IT would not have been a Wed. in 1917. Grandma knew when she had the baby.