Thursday, November 22, 2007

The perfect family portrait

This one is pretty good, except Hannah is looking the other way. Robert has red eyes, George is half hid, but other than that it is pretty goodoverall... And, Helen, this is Jackie's living room.

This one Hannah is looking at the camera, but George is just barely visable, Robert is crying and trying to get away and Emmy is making a face...

Now, here is Hannah from the first pose pasted into the second pose and Roberts red eyes fixed with Paint Shop Pro. Abra Cadabra, the perfect portrait... I am going tomorrow and have 8x10's made of this one for us. I have left the last good one large if anyone wants to print it and hang it somewhere. This is the only two pictures, (well with the edit I guess it is 3 pictures) with all my family in it.

We had good food and a good time, and I left all the mess at Jackie's house.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are all good. I enjoyed them all! Sis 3

Sister--Helen said...

Yes, I liked the last one best...