Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sister Helen


Sister--Helen said...

It seems each year I get fewer and fewer Trick-Or-Treaters and I enjoy them so much....At 7:50 I quit,,,, The last little boy was 2 he liked my small battery operated pumpkin...along with his candy I gave him the pumpkin...he said "I really like it" The Dad thought I was nuts..I told him he was my last one I was going inside....I still have a ton of candy...I sat out in the driveway trying to attract everyone I could... We just don't have many anymore...all of the kids in the neighborhood are getting to old here....

Anonymous said...

I just turn the light off and pooh pooh all the candy because the kids
are wild at school the next day...well except Astrid, Ingrid, and Sigie...I can't wait for them to come.
Sister 3