Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Good Day...


After All...

I took the day off for a doctor's appointment, so I thought I would walk early.  Looked out about 7 am and it was raining.  So, I frosted the cake I made to take to work for Ryan's birthday today.  When I finished, I looked out and it had stopped raining so I walked to Dan's and back, took the cake to work, got groceries at Berryville, made the base for the chicken speghetti I am taking to work tomorrow then rested till time to go to the appoitment.

I got the mail on my way out and had my credit card bill.  It had a charge for over $400 that I could not remember what it was for.  I thought and thought what I might have pruchased, but was drawing a blank.  Went on to the Doctor.  My blood pressure was up.  I wonder why.

I looked at my bank account, and saw that on the same day of the $400 charge I had paid the eye doctor. Then remembered my new $400 glasses.

I did find out that I started using my Cpap and took the bone density test in April of 2021, two and a half years ago.  But I will probably forget all that tomorrow.

Oh, and I got my flu shot and my covid shot today.  Now I am all shot up.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Every few weeks I’ll log in my bank Acct and sera deductions don’t recall making and then I’ll recall what it was EVERY time. Old age, we are there.