Friday, September 01, 2023

Day of leisure

I took a vacation day today and Tuesday to give myself a 5 day weekend.  

Today was a lazy day
 I walked to the blue gate, 3 miles round trip, but not at 6am like my usual weekend walk.  I waited till 8:30 and it was still really nice and cool. I think we are through the really hot day. Highs are supposed to be I. The mid 80's this week.

Betty, what is this plant?

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Here u go

Senna auriculata is suitable for landscaping roadways and home gardens. It tolerates drought and dry conditions, but not much cold. The flowers in racemes are also attractive.

The plant has been reported to treat hyperglycemia and associated hyperlipidemia[4]

This plant is said to contain a cardiac glucoside (sennapicrin) and sap, leaves and bark yield anthraquinones, while the latter contains tannins.[2]

The root is used in decoctions against fevers, diabetes, diseases of urinary system and constipation. The leaves have laxative properties. The dried flowers and flower buds are used as a substitute for tea in case of diabetes patients. It is also believed to improve the complexion. The powdered seed is also applied to the eye, in case of chronic purulent conjunctivitis. In Africa the bark and seeds are said to give relief in rheumatism, eye diseases, gonorrhea, diabetes and gout.[2]