Saturday, January 29, 2022


I like working at solving puzzles. Sister Betty and I think that is why we like looking for dead people (genealogy), using clues to solve puzzles. I used to do the sudoku puzzle in the little rock news paper, but it is no longer on paper most places. I tried it online, but that soon turns into a rabbit hole, some what like some of our dead people searches.

I kept seeing articles about a word game, wordle, but I am a terrible speller so had not tried it.  Today I gave it a try. Guess the 5 letter word in 6 guesses. It is just one same puzzle a day, so I only post here because no one reads my blog except me. My 3 tries are deceiving, as I entered 2 misspelled non words that it did not count. Sister Betty would like this game, and be better at it as she can spell deceiving without Google's help.

I am sooooo tried of the cold. If I were an animal, I would be a bear so I could sleep all winter.

I got a new boss yesterday. Not really new as Kathy was second in 'command' and has now moved to first. I am pleased as we get along well. She was apprehensive about stepping up, but seemed happy with her choice after the fact. When she was considering if she wanted the job I told her I knew who we would get if she did not take the job. A pig in a poke. Kathy is a known. A better choice even for Kathy.

1 comment:

Sister--Helen said...

I have 2 word games on my phone which I play some every day but I downloaded this one this one is timed and it makes me nervous to try to hurry not sure I like it. Played for about 5 min and the most I got was 9 words before time ran out