Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Making a short story long

I walked to the neighbor's gate today. I thought I might go up on the rock quarry, but turned around because it is blustery and overcast. Instead I stopped and talked with sister. She told me something I am going to put here because I know she had told me before, but I unremembered most of it.

This is a hairpin that belonged to our Grandma Gertie Powell.  Helen has about a dozen of these that are still as useful and new looking as when Grandma first got them.  Helen got them from Grandma's house when she died because Helen wore her hair up in a beehive that was popular then. The hairpins were useful. She said she put them away with her long hair that Mamma cut off for her.  Now, she wears a hair piece that she pins on with Grandma's pins from long ago. Knowing Grandma's thrifty nature, these are likely close to a century old by now.

Now for the long story.  She started off our visit by telling me a very, very long story. All her story amounted to was she poured her coffee into a cup that had a residue of her crystal light drink and the coffee tasted terrible. I told her about a lady at work that often starts off a story with, "to make a long story short", and proceeds to make her short story long.

I told her about a new cousin we have found with out DNA.  This person should be our second cousin, but she has a large detailed tree with family born in Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. We cannot figure out any connection between our families.  Helen said I was making a short story about dead people very long and boring.

I am making Donna's Ham casserole, Aday version.  We will see how it goes.  I am also making beans with ham bone, so we have options. Hannah does not much like beans, but Robert does. It will be a short story for Hannah.

Tomorrow is turkey day. I thought Helen was cooking it all but she says only turkey.  I may make Hannah cook the rolls and Robert can do the dressing. That would probably be a Very Long Story. 

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