Tuesday, April 02, 2019

I hope this is really spring

It was way up in the 60s today, but we have had this before and then it turns cold.  I am tired of cold.

The kids walking their puppy.

Hanna thinks she is going to train her.  We will see how that goes.

My goat herd.  No new babies yet.  Saturday, I am going to separate out the yearlings that are going to kid and put them in the pen with the new mama.  But, we may have another one or two kidding by then.

This is the last one.  She is cute, but tiny.

This is a crane down on the pond.  I shot this from my yard with the camera I bought to take to Japan.  It takes good pics, but it does not have an eye piece so I cannot see what I am shooting in the sunlight.  It is literally a point in the sun with me. 

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