Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Greg's Projects

Greg has the parts for the lawn mower that the carport smashed. He has it back together now, but he has to put on a new tire and fix the tie rod that broke last weekend.  He may have to buy a new part for that, but at least he has the dash and hood back on it.

These are the steps he made me to get down the bank to the mail box. When the grass is wet or we have snow, this slope is really slick.

And, I bought a chain saw for him to trim up the trees in the yard.  Sunday, Brother Gilbert put him up in the bucket and he trimmed the one right in front of the deck by the front door, on the right.  It looks so much better now.  I can see the pasture and hills without peeking through the tree branches.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Good son
Good brother