Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sisters' Keeper

Brother came over today and helped with the goats.  He made transgenders out of 3 of the Billies and gave a shot to the mama that was limping. Then he went up to sister's and did chores for her.  Note how small the lilac is in this picture.

George's purple plum tree on the left is blooming.  Yesterday it only had small buds and today is has fully opened blooms.  The maples and elms are also budding out.

Sandy, the mama that was limping is in heat.  Maybe in 150 days we will have more babies. She had 3 this time.  I  had 3 mamas that had triplets, but Sandy is the only one that still has 3.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Transgenders? I had to laugh.