Yesterday the weather channel said it was 18 degrees. My theometer said 20 degrees. There was frost everywhere. After the sun came out, we had birds all over the yard. And by afternoon, it had warmed up enough that it did not feel too bad.

This is a picture taken from the end of our place, the corner next to the road where Daddy had his garden. You can see how much George has cleaned it up. It did have dozer piles filling almost the whole holler. If you click and enlarge it, you can see George's yellow salt block he put out for the deer in the foreground. He say a bunch of deer yesterday, but only one on this side of the road. He is always seeing them down in the pasture, and when I look I can't see anything. At least not until he tells me exactly where to look. We enjoy watching them.
It is so cold. I am just huddled under a throw.
I read on Erin's blog that Fleta got a new camera.....she is going to tell us about it...I rhink we would rather just see some pictures...
I have a Canon 40D.
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