Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby girl

This is the pretty baby girl in the Easter outfit Grandma got her sitting in the her new chair. Mama had gotten her a little purple purse and it had this makeup in it. She used it all up, putting it all over herself and her new outfit. I had to wash it twice to get it all out. She loved her new chair. There was a pink one for her and a blue one for brother. As soon as she saw them, she knew the pink one was hers. I am going to go get them Saturday morning and let them stay the night.

I could not stand messing with the plants in the house any longer so today I set the tomatoes and the sweet peppers out in the garden. If they die they just die. I am thinking next year I will just buy plants. I was really tired of the whole thing about 2 weeks ago.

I have 5 or 6 sweet pepper plants left. They look like good plants. Do you want them, Patsy? I could bring them to Janet.


Galla Creek said...

She is so sweet looking. I put my house plant outside. I only have one. It is a prayer plant. I will pray it makes it. I was tired of having it inside...thought if it gets cold...I'll throw a sheet over it.

patsy said...


Unknown said...

she is a real cutie, putie - lucky you to have a girl

Sister--Helen said...

I have no plants anymore. I used to have several but when you stop watering them completely they usually die...