Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dear Sister

It is 1 am. I have been trying to think what to say to you. I want to fix everything, but that is not possible. Sometimes, we cannot fix everything, so we do the best we can and go from there accepting that we have done all we can do. I am now going to attempt to help you feel better.

You know what the Doctors ask. On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is it?

You and I know a woman, here in our hometown who had two sons, twins, about my sons age. Then one day, many years ago, when her babies were about 18 years old or so, one of her babies pointed a gun at his head and pulled the trigger. I wonder, on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad was it for her. Maybe a 7 or 8? She likely wanted to crawl in the grave with her baby, but, she still had one living son and she had to go on.

Now, her remaining son has two young sons and an estranged wife that has brain cancer. Just last month, on the day his wife came home from brain surgery, this woman's son took a baseball bat and beat his wife's mother to death.

I am guessing on a scale of 1 to 10, she's about to 10 now.

You cannot fix everything. Just do the best you can. We will do everything we can to help.

You say it helps you to have a plan. I have a little plan. I am going to come see you. Not right now, but sometime this summer. We can plan.

We ALL love you.

With all my love.



Galla Creek said...

There is always someone worse off than ourselves. If we look for blessings we will find them. I was feeling low yesterday as two of my little pups died. I should have put hay in the whelping pen. Then with Helen's post...I saw my problems were small and my blessings great.

I will trudge on toward tomorrow thankful that the Lord has spared me of some sorrows that have come Connie Norris' way. I will think of her several times today.

Favorite Daughter said...

Mom's feeling better now. She has days, particuarly on Thursday's when she has to take the nasty pills, where she has a big pity party all day. Don't get me wrong, I don't know anyone that deserves to have a pity party more than her. But it upsets her to have a pity party, resulting in a larger pity party.

These days are not often. Mostly she is doing really good. A lot better than it appears by her blog posts.

I hope you can come out and see her this year. It was 116 in the sun today. There will be more day's this hot than not in the next 5 months. You might want to plan on September or October. She will be done with Chemo end of September, and will enjoy your visit more. The medication she gets after she's done with Chemo is supposed to make her feel better than she has in 2 years. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!