Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A new day

I got Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope, from the Berryville Library and read part of it. After about the first 150 pages or so, I kinda lost interest, but I did agree with much of what he said. I was impressed with his writing ability and I think he did actually write it himself. Often, celebrities use ghost writers, but I sensed this was his own work. I can see from reading his words why some would say he brings JFK to mind. I have a much higher opinion of him after reading his words. I have requested the one he wrote abut his life, but they have to get it from another library so that may take a while. Maybe he could bring a bright new day. Another book, the Bible, says no.


Galla Creek said...

It would be nice to have a little bright spot in our life...not just the same of bushy drear! The book I read was about his life...I doubt I could have read one about his dreams.

Sister--Helen said...

He worries me.....There has got to be so much about him we do not I told Marvin King, about all we know is what he wrote about himself in his 2 books ...I could write a really good book about myself also....well it would have to be "ghost written" But I could make myself sound really good might all be lies though......I certainly would not write a book that did not make me look good....

Galla Creek said...

Fleta, the photo was Larry's...not mine again!

Sister--Helen said...

pyou stole a picture

patsy said...

I think the next chapter in his book will be my life in the white house.