Thursday, May 10, 2007

Aberdeen SD

Well, next week my babies are off to Aberdeen South Dakota. I am not too happy about this, as they will be about 16 to 20 hours from home vs the 8 hours now. George says the pop. of Aberdeen is about 24,000 so it is almost twice as large as Beatrice, NE where they are now. I thought there might not be much going on in Aberdeen, so I thought I would see if they had an online paper. Sure enough, they did, and sure enough, what was going on was about the same as was going on in Beatrice; flooding.

If you want to see what is going on in Aberdeen, take a look at their newspaper.


Galla Creek said...

I guess the scots settled here. I hope they get a little south by winter, but summer there might not be so bad.

Erin said...

did you read the obits there?? mr low dog passed away??? what kind of place is this. native americans there??? i'm puzzled. what kind of name is 'low dog'

Galla Creek said...

Erin, Low Dog is an Uncle to Top Dog. Fleta and I have studied the Dog tree and know about them!

happy mother's day, sister Fleta!

Sister--Fleta said...

Oh, Erin, you are lost!! Who would ever think of reading the obits in a newspaper a thousand miles from home where you don't even know the living, let alone the dead. You caught the looking for the dead people disease.