Sunday, June 18, 2006

And a happy father's day to you too.

These are my boys and the girl. Lane the oldest grandchild is now 10 years old. As soon as he was old enough to memorize a phone number, I taught him how to dial 0 for operator, explain he needed to call grandma collect and give her my phone number. Over the years his mother and dad have lived in many places and Lane still has trouble remembering his own phone number, which changed again just a couple of weeks ago, but grandma's phone number is still the same one I taught him when he was 3 years old. Just in case.

Today, for father's day Lane's father told him to call grandpa. Lane does not get to actually call long distance for himself very often, mostly he is only allowed to make local calls. But Lane knew how to call grandpa, cause grandma had taught him years ago. I answered the phone and the operator said you have a collect call from, and a little voice came on 'Lane'. This was it. The just in case day, trying to sound calm I asked Lane why he was calling. He said 'Dad told me too.' Being already scared to death, father's day was completely forgotten. Not only was Lane calling collect, but Dad had told him too. This was wrose than 'Just in case.' I say, 'Why did Dad tell you to call.' 'I forgot, let me ask Dad. Oh, yeah, can I talk to Grandpa.'

Then the light dawned. Father's Day! So, how was your father's day?


Linda@VS said...

What a cute story! And a great looking bunch of young people.

patsy said...

i am glad lane can call home if he ever needs too.

Galla Creek said...

Astrid already knows our phone
number and can dial it. Sometimes she slips off in the bedroom and calls..whispering. So special!

Sister--Helen said...

When Pat came out to visit me, goodness, was it 3 years ago now...making Mackenzie about 4 at the time, one night I was talking to Pat at 11:00PM and Mackenzie called. She was hiding in the bathroom, everyone else in the house was asleep and she couldn't sleep and called her Granny. I was worried since she was the only one up and she might get hurt. When she told me she was the only one awake in the house I told her to go wake up her Mama right now. She said she couldn't do that because she was not supposed to be calling me on the phone and she would be in trouble. I told her to hang up the phone and go wake up her Mama and tell her she had a bad dream and and get into bed with her Mana...That way she would not be in trouble...Kenzie thought that plan would work so that is what she did. Sometimes it just takes 2 heads to solve a problem.

Galla Creek said...

children are lucky when they have
not only parents...but grandparents there to add to their life.

Favotite daughter of sister#1 said...

maybe we should teach Lane the 800 number