Tuesday, March 18, 2025



Greg made new seats fir my deck chairs today. A great day for sitting and sunning if the wind does not blow me away.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Helen doing great

 After her eye surgery.  I am exited for her.  She goes in tomorrow for followup. The other eye is schedlued for April 2.  I know she is going to be so pleased to be able to see so much better.  I think her eyes were actuall wrose then mine.  She said she saw black spots.  I have been almost blind in one eye all my life.  Now I can do anything without glasses except read.  She will probably be excited to be able to see to clean house.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Glorious Sunshine

 I decided to go sit on the porch in the sun. White dog was disappointed. She thought we were going walking. My thermometer says it got to 73 today.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

No Internet


So, I have been at work station for 2.5 hours doing nothing. Work internet has been down since midnight. Work computer does not work, play phone does.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025



Was a long time employee where our brother Clayton worked. Clayton was his boss, but Mr. Meadow was also our junior high school teacher. So, he was always Mr. Meadow to Clayton.  I just learned Mr. Meador is our 3rd cousin.  Clayton and Mr. Meador are both great grandsons of William Wesley Carpenter.  Who knew? Not us, until now.

Monday, March 03, 2025

New Old

 Dishes. My everyday dishes were getting so many chips, I decided I needed a new old set.  Bought these today.

8 plates, 6 small plates, 12 cups with saucers, a coffee server, and a casserole dish.  All for 20 bucks.

Made in Japan.  Theyvare probably 30 ir 40 years old. I doubt I will use the little coffee cups, but maybe.