Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, back to work

Sunday, when I checked the chickens, their feed and water containers were both overturned and empty.  I scolded all the kids and told them to leave the chickens alone. I was sure they were running and chasing the chickens and did this.

Today, George was cleaning out the chicken house and I was standing guard making sure he was safe when along came this character above sticking his nose in the chicken feed container that George had set outside the pen while he cleaned.  I guess I will need to apologize to the kids.

George has worked on the fence, so maybe big bully will stay in a little better.  George was going to take him home as he seems to have done what he came over here for, but I think we should keep him another month or so since George told Linda he would keep him until March.

This is the reason George was cleaning the chicken house.  See her feet and legs?  They look like have ugly growth all over them and she has been limping.  I asked Chicken woman about this last week.  She said she will either get better or die. Big help!  Google says it is scaly leg mites.  The chicken crazies said to bring her in the kitchen and give her a bath with dawn and vinegar in my sink then use my hair blow dryer to dry her.  Not! Then, coat her feet and legs in Vaseline every day for a week.  Oh, and treat all the others also, just in case.  Not happening.  

Finally, I found a sensible answer to use sevin dust and dog flea and tick treatment.  I got sevin  at Evans and we sprinkled everything after 'we' cleaned the pen.  Tomorrow, I will look at wallyworld for some kind of spray on flea treatment.

And, she will ether live over the treatment or not.


Galla Creek said...

I was going to suggest 7 dust. Sprinkle it in the nests.

patsy said...

if i wanted to do some thing for the banty I would pour motor oil on her legs maybe every day or so.

Donna. W said...

My mom rubbed vaseline over their legs, and as I recall, it worked. I imagine the motor oil Patsy suggested would also work.

Sister--Helen said...

I'm with will live or die...7 dust so the others will not get it...and take the Billy home.
I am having to doctor Benjamin's dog is getting better but not well...and I am about to quit

Sister--Helen said...

actually if she wasn't better in a day or so she would disappear

Sister--Helen said...

That chicken is gross...