Thursday, July 14, 2011

Patsy, Helen

Did you know the Closer is back with a new season?  Started Monday, July 11.  I did not know it was going to be on, but just happened to see an ad.

I am going to get the babies tomorrow.  They are in summer school so I will pick them up there and not have to drive all the way to ES.  I may take them to the creek again.  They sure had a big time the last time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today is

dig potatoes day.

But the big news is we got rain, and it is now 80 degrees.  We got 1.5" and might get more.

I am loving it.

Some history

• July 13 — 109 degrees in 1954.
• July 14 — 110 degrees in 1954.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fleta's #1 diet tip

If your clothes are a little tight and uncomfortable making you think you might need to go on a diet, just buy bigger clothes.

I think Helen might have missed the point of my last post about the Winney woman as I know Helen really can't read very well.  The women Betty's thinks might be Uncle John's daughter was a free Black woman.  But Betty might be partly correct.  Maybe Winnie's children are uncle John's daughters.

See you in the funny papers.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One for Helen

This is what I have found out about Winney Edwell that Betty thinks is our cousin.

p. 406 - "St a t e of Tenne s s e e Robe r t son County We the unde r s igned inhabi t ant s of sd
County do c e r t i fy tha t We have be en a cqua int ed wi th Jona than EDWELL a man of Colour
l a t e of the County of Ca swe l l and the St a t e of Nor th Ca rol ina f rom the t ime of hi s
e a r ly youth unt i l the pr e s ent t ime he ha s a lways pa s s ed and be en known a s a f r e e pe r -
son. We a r e a l so a cqua int ed wi th hi s mothe r Winney Edwell who ye t r e s ide s in Ca swe l l
County Nor th Ca rol ina . She was a lways known and a cknowl edged by thos e who knew he r
to be a f r e e woman and pa s s ed a s such - Given unde r our hands & s e a l s 3r d day of
Augus t 1812 - Spenc e r Ar e s MOSS, WID Mos s , J .P. , & WID Mos s . " Re corded in Robe r t son
County 3 Aug 1812 and sworn to by Spenc e r Moss, Wi l l i am Moss Esq & Wi l l i am Moss s r

My reasoning

for thinking that Nancy McClain was more likely John's sister than his daughter is because I think it would be really odd to leave a daughter one schilling, leaving another daughter a cow, having the estate divided among your sons and then making the husband of that one schilling daughter the administrator of the will.  Knowing that Joseph's wife was Nancy, and Nancy is not mentioned in the will, makes me think that Nancy McClain was not John's daughter.  And, remember, James the son had Joseph removed as administrator.  I think the sons wanted to sell the land and Joseph did not want to.  They had already sold everything except the land.